Friday, 2 July 2010

Harry Potter Survey

Are you obsessed with Harry Potter?
- Almost. Still I love HP to the bone!

Could you prove that statement in court?

Do you know any of the characters middle name's?
- Some.

What's Hermione's?
- Jean

What's Harry's?
- James

What's Ron's?
- Bilius

What's Ginny's?
- Molly

Have you seen all the movies?

Read all the books?
- SURE! don't even remember how many times I read books esp. book 3 and book 5.

What do you think of JKR?
- Well, she's good when it comes to adventures and everything but romance. I mean, look at how poorly written Harry/Ginny was.

** Favorites

- Fred and George

Character, overall?
- Hermione Granger

Female Character?
- Hermione Granger

Male Character?
- Well I'm torn between Harry and Draco.

Group of Characters?
- Umm...maybe the Dumbledore's Army?

- McGonagall

- Lupin

- Definitely Harry/Hermione

- Stupefy

- Chocolate Frogs

- Hogsmead

Weasley Twin?
- Dunno. I just like them both.

- Wand

- Honeyduke

**Least Favorites

- Ginny

Character, overall?
- Umbridge

- Umbridge

- Lucius

- Peter Pettigrew

- Pansy

- All the unforgivables!! Ugh!

- 6th (HBP)

- Harry/Ginny, R/Hr (but I came to terms with this ship)

- Don't know...

Death Eater?
- Fenrir Grayback

- None to be honest.

- Chamber of Secrets

- Snape

**Couples? What Do you Think?

- I'm just CRAZED about them! They are just Perfect in my opinion!

- Ugh. Just wrong.

- Acceptable but not my fav. 'cause I personally don't like bickering.

- Well, didn't really think about it.

- WTF.

- Well, Okay, I guess. Bit hilarious.

- Cute!

- Why Pansy keeps coming? Don't like her.

- Haha, no way.

- Krum is a nice guy but not nice enough to match with Hermione.

- Actually, this is so intriguing. I mean, this is what I really call 'the opposite attract'.

Hermione/Fred or George?
- Not really.

- Good match.

- A bit sad.

- James will kill Sirius then. So, no.

- Well, okay, I guess.

- Just adorable!

- At least, Draco deserves better.

- OK.

- Nice.

- Cho is too jealous of Hermione to continue the relationship.

**This Or That

Harry or Ron?
- Harry

Hermione or Ginny?
- Definitely Hermione. Hermione ROCKS!

Nevile or Seamus?
- Nevile. He's kind.

Snape or Slughorn?
- Snape is better here.

Fred or George?
- Can't seperate them apart. They are just ONE.

Harry/Ginny or Harry/Hermione?
- Is this some kind of joke? OF COURSE Harry/Hermione!

Rom/Hermione or Harry/Hermione?
- Absolutely Harry/Hermione

Harry/Hermione or Harry/Luna?
- Harry/Hermione for sure.

Ron/Hermione or Ron/Luna?
- Ron/Luna. :)

Hermione/Krum or Harry/Hermione?
- Didn't you understand by now that I will always choose Harry/Hermione?

Ron/Lavander or Ron/Hermione?
-Ron/Lavander is better though I don't really like them always snogging. =.=

Butterbeer or Fire whiskey?

Zonko's or Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes?

Hog's Head or The Three Broomsticks?
- The Three Broomsticks

James/Lily or Snape/Lily?
- James/Lily

Hogwarts or Hogsmeade?
- Hogwarts of course.

Hogsmeade or Diagon Alley?
-Diagon Alley

Malfoy Manor or Knockturn Alley?
- Knockturn Alley

Beartie Bott's or Fizzing Whizbees?
-Fizzling Whizbees

Witch Weekly or The Daily Prophet?
- Daily Prophet

Rita Skeeter or Barty Crouch?
- Rita is at least better than him.

Gryffindor or Ravenclaw?
- Ravenclaw


Have you been to a release party?
- no...

Ever cried while reading one of the books?
- shed tears but not cry...

A movie?
- When dumbledore died, i almost cried.

Books or movies?
- well, can't choose really, I love both books and movies. They have their own assets.

Had a dream about Harry Potter?
- Definitely!!

Been to a fansite?
- Hell yeah! but recently only H/Hr sites

Been to JKR's site?
- A few.

Have you ever rolepalyed?
- No. but i wish to.

If so/do...who were you/ are you?
- i haven't done it.

Did you use to have absurd theory?
- haha yeah.

What was it?
- don't really remember now...

Did you/do you hide your obsession?
- Never.

Did it/does it work?
- Even if i try, no, it won't work.

Ever dressed up like a character?
- Sadly, no. I wish to do that.

Ever noticed that you can't spell "Hermione without Ron"?
- No.

Did you just try to prove that wrong?
- well, no.

Noticed that if Harry and Hermione got married, they'd have EXACT same initials?
- Of course! Like years ago.

Did you just try to prove that wrong?
- No.

Have you noticed that Lily Evans and Ginny Weasley are alot alike?
- Yeah. But mostly looks though.

Do you find it weird that Harry and his dad fell in love with girls so alike?
- a bit, to be honest.

Do you know what fanfiction is?
- Of course.

Ever been to a fanfiction site?
- Hell yeah.

Do you read fanfictions?
- Too much actually.

If so, do you like it?
- I don't like it. I love it!

Are you a member of a fanfiction site?
- Yes.

What site?
- A lot to mention. But mostly,

Do you write fanfiction?
- Yes.

Do you like to write fanfiction?
- Absolutely. Fanfiction is another place to share ideas and stories and love for HP, I think.

Ever had Harry Potter Candy?
- No.

Do you own a lot of Harry Potter stuff?
- Maybe not a lot, but yes. I sometimes make some stickers too, you know. lol

Do you have Harry Potter Scene It?
- I don't have.

Do you have a Harry Potter shirt?
- No, haven't seen one yet. But I want to buy a few in the future.

What character are you most often compared to?
- Sometimes Hermione, sometimes Luna. well? bipolar? maybe.

Do you have any nicknames that have to do with Harry Potter?
- Yeah, i guess so. I mean, if you consider "Harry Potter freak" as a nickname. =_=

What are they?
- See above.

Do you object to being called by them?
- Not really.

Are your friends supportive of your obsession?
- Unfortunately, not really.

Do you have any inside jokes that related to Harry Potter?
- Hahaha..............

What's one? (you don't have to explain)
- I'd rather not tell.

Do you relate a lot of things to Harry Potter?
- Often. But I try to suppress doing that in front of my friends.

Do you love being obsessed with Harry Potter?
- Why not? I'm proud of it.

Do you wish that you went to Hogwarts?
- I wish to attend Hogwarts like HELL! I want!

Have you re-read the books?
- Yes!!!

Have you had a Harry Potter themed party?
- No, but if there's one, I'd like to join.

Have you had an RP party?
- No.

Do you want to?
- Maybe?

Thank you for answering all the questions!
- My pleasure.

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