Sunday, 31 October 2010

Love this song!

Recently I've started to like a particular song.
It is called Elevator, sang by David Archuleta.
Well, I just love the lyrics and the melody!

Monday, 25 October 2010

Right Now.

I feel like quitting everything and going somewhere totally new.
I hate this life. I am not happy. I feel depressed. I just want to do something better.
I want the time when I fell in love with something or find happiness from small things.
Where did my real life go? I want it back to me right now.

Wednesday, 13 October 2010

I hate myself...

Sometimes, yeah well, I sometime smother people.
Yes, I know. I knew it since long time ago.
But I just couldn't say it out loud.
How can I stop doing this to people? tiring.
I mean, I know that everyone needs their own space.
And I'm not trying to invade their private place intentionally.
Ah need more control on your emotion...
Please be more interested in your own life.
And try to associate with many people, not just some specific people.
And don't give too much love that will suffocate people eventually.
Damn, this is very hard. I know what to do, I just don't know how to do.
But I will continue to try to stop doing that and back out when the situation arises.
Or, should I never give love to anyone? =_=

Thursday, 7 October 2010


I believe that somewhere in this world, there are wizards and witches living as we live!
Just because we can't see them doesn't mean they don't exist. :D

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

So empty.

There's a test tomorrow.
And here, I haven't got the faintest idea on what to study...
Seems like I'm losing interests in everything.
Whether it's people, things...really anything.
Fortunately, some of things that I've been interested
for a long time still remain exciting enough to keep me busy.
Guess I need some time to ponder on my life. XD

Saturday, 2 October 2010

Feeling insecure...

I wish that I belong to somewhere in this world.
I know it is somewhat weird or childish to think like that.
But I cannot help it. I just need to make sure of things...
I want to feel the sense of belonging.
Some people say that not thinking too much is the best solution.
But the problem is that I cannot stop thinking deeply.
So, I guess this can no longer be an option for me.
I just wish that I can be more confident, mature, and in control.
I just need to be.

Friday, 1 October 2010

October's first post starts with Harry Potter!

I'm just so happy that I'm going to watch Harry Potter 7 part 1 soon!
Oh, how long have I been waiting for this!!!
Just one thing I can't agree is that the so called "oh-so-cute pair".
I can't help but wish that Harry and Hermione were together in the end.
But, still there are tons of things to enjoy in Harry Potter. So, I mustn't be
so disappointed. Anyway, the trailer was mind-numbing!
Whew......I guess I do need to relax a bit....XD

Too excited!